Manga Planet is proud to announce their upcoming release of Missile Bird, a new sports manga coming June 15, 2020. Created by writer Shizusa Io and mangaka Ryusen Kumata, Home-sha is currently serializing the badminton story in web manga site Z.
Now, soon Manga Planet will start publishing the English-language version. The platform aims to bring new manga to fans from all over the world and support artists and the industry. They push for affordability and access to manga through a subscription-based service.
Missile Bird, a new badminton sports manga
After a horrible one-sided match with genius badminton player Sho Yuki, Ayumu Tobii swears to quit playing the sport he loves. But what happens when he gets into the same high school as the Sho? Will he ever get his chance to shine? Nothing is impossible in a sport where smashes can go as fast as 400kph!!!
Soon, the first chapter of Missile Bird will be available for free in the Manga Planet Library. Subscribers get to read the next chapters in addition to many other manga titles in their growing library.
Make sure to check out the Missile Bird manga when it comes out. Let us know what you think over on Twitter.