Want to show off your anime product, service, or brand and be seen by thousands of viewers a month? We’ve got the ad space for it!
Whether it’s anime, manga, light novels, or games, Jotaku has you covered. Check out our info below for advertising rates and specifications.
Ad Rates & specs
Header (4 weeks)
Leaderboard, 728×90 px: $80 (Available)
Sidebar (3 spots) (4 weeks)
Medium Rectangle, 300×250 px: $70 per spot (3 Available)
Content Banner (4 weeks)
Top, 468×60 px: $60 (Available)
Bottom, 468×60 px: $50 (Available)
Footer (4 weeks)
Mobile Leaderboard, 320×50 px: $100 (Available)
Leaderboard, 728×90 px: $60 (Available)
File formats: JPEG, PNG, GIF
File size: < 150kb
To reserve ad space, inquire about additional information, or to be put on a waitlist for a specific spot, contact us at advertising@jotaku.net