Pokémon: Detective Pikachu, directed by Rob Letterman and produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, has grossed over $58 million during its opening weekend. The story follows Tim Goodman (Justice Smith) and his partner Pikachu (Ryan Reynolds) as they try to discover what happened to Tim’s father, who mysteriously disappeared.
Some people were disappointed in the movie’s twist ending, claiming that it was predictable. Even still, people enjoyed the 3D animation, which fits perfectly in the movie universe.
The film has fairly positive reviews, with an 86% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes, a 7.1/10 on IMDb and a 7.8 user score on Metacritic. This is in stark contrast to many of the other film adaptations of anime. Unlike Detective Pikachu, Netflix’s Death Note and Dragonball: Evolution both received negative reviews. The reception of this film along with that of Alita: Battle Angel is a positive sign for American live-action adaptations of classic anime. One upcoming live-action adaptation is Netflix’s One Piece, whose listing was leaked onto the platform back in March.
What are your thoughts on Pokémon: Detective Pikachu? What anime would you like to see be turned into a movie? Let us know!